For inquiries about services and supports:
MB Jordan's Principle requests: 204-391-6083
National Jordan's Principle Call Centre:
1-855-JP-CHILD (1-855-572-4453)
About this Site
This site is aimed at supporting providers working with Jordan's Principle clients by providing information about available services and adaptable tools.
The content on this site is a collaboration between the many partners who comprise the Manitoba Jordan's Principle Mental Wellness Working Group. The Working Group is made up of stakeholders who work in the Jordan's Principle system - these grassroots voices are helping to ensure that Jordan's Principle services reflect the needs of children, families and communities across Manitoba.
The site, content and tools are all works in progress - any stakeholder feedback is much appreciated and can be shared here.
About Jordan's Principle
Jordan’s Principle is a child-first principle named in memory of Jordan River Anderson, a First Nations child from Norway House Cree Nation in Manitoba. Born with complex medical needs, Jordan spent more than two years unnecessarily in hospital while the Province of Manitoba and the federal government argued over who should pay for his at home care. Jordan died in the hospital at the age of five years old, never having spent a day in his family home. Jordan’s Principle aims to make sure First Nations children can access all public services in a way that is reflective of their distinct cultural needs, takes full account of the historical disadvantage linked to colonization, and without experiencing any service denials, delays or disruptions because they are First Nations.
Payment disputes within and between federal and provincial governments over services for First Nations children are not uncommon. First Nations children are frequently left waiting for services they desperately need, or are denied services that are available to other children. This includes services in education, health, childcare, recreation, and culture and language. Jordan's Principle calls on the government of first contact to pay for the services and seek reimbursement later so the child does not get tragically caught in the middle of government red tape.
- from First Nations Child & Family Caring Society